

Inspired by the ethnographic and ergonomic approach, we believe in collecting insights from the field to achieve a deeper understanding of your users' needs and expectations.

You would like to understand what is happening inside your users' head. We still haven't discovered a secret technique to read their mind. But we are using all our expertise in human and cognitive sciences to provide you with the best possible vision, within the allocated time and budget. Using the right methods, analysing carefully and precisely in line with your project's demands, helping you make the most informed decisions.

Morgane réalise un audit ergonomique
Test mobile avec Eye tracker
Présentation des personas
Experience map affichée chez
Photo de service blueprint affiché sur un mur
Détail du journal remis aux clients B&B : les données individuelles
Focus group en Espagne pour travailler sur l'expérience client de B&B
Entretien individuel avec un agent d'aiguillage SNCF
Observation d'un aiguilleur SNCF en poste
Guerilla testing tablette en gare de Bordeaux
Réunion de lancement de mission pour ADI
Flowtide - analyse mesures
Atelier aménagement d'espace
etude terrain
flowtide - test et mesure

How we do it

What we can't do?

Carry out market research, define your business model, assess appetite

A few case studies